Yoga Tips For Beginners.

Oct 18 , 2021

Golden Star Yoga Staff

Yoga Tips For Beginners.

Although its form looks gentle, Yoga is actually quite demanding. Like any other sport, Yoga also has the necessary notes for beginners.

As a beginner, you should learn many things before practicing Yoga.


The need to choose a suitable school of Yoga.

Yoga is divided into many different schools such as Hatha Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, … with different requirements and purposes in terms of health, spirit, physique, … Therefore, you need to clearly define your goals and ask the instructor carefully to choose the right type to bring the best effect.


A good instructor, is a suitable route:

It is very important to find a good instructor.


For those who just starting out, it is very important to find someone with enough experience to guide you from basic to advanced movements, keeping you injury-free. You need to talk to the teacher about your problems such as back pain, headache, or improving your physique so that the teacher will guide the appropriate exercises, making the practice more effective.

Practice time.

The best time to practice is early morning or late evening. Exercising early in the morning will help the body stay awake and store energy for a working day. Practicing late at night will help the body relax, sleep process becomes better. These are the ideal times for you to choose. You should carefully learn the appropriate time to practice to achieve the highest efficiency during the training process.

Proper space:

A quiet, airy, spacious, and fresh space is essential to achieve high efficiency.


Yoga is a type of sport that focuses on breathing, focusing on mental comfort, and improving health. Therefore, choosing for yourself a quiet, airy, spacious, and fresh space is essential to achieve high efficiency in practice.

Never take risks with difficult movements!

You want to be more efficient, but you are overhasty to do difficult movements and train crazy. That haste and impatience will never get you to your goal faster. It will cause you injuries, insomnia, and even irritability. When you come to this sport, you must define your goals. Pay attention to safety first and listen to what your body wants. Follow the path from basic to advanced to achieve good results.

Pay attention to your movements, do not compare yourself to others!

Instead of focusing on yourself, you compare your abilities with those around you without thinking that each person possesses a completely different health and condition. Change this concept because when you compare your own results with others, it will make you negative, self-deprecating, and jealous of others. This is not good for your health, it only makes you more stressed and mentally damaged. Take it easy and focus on your own process, trusting that if you are diligent and practice regularly, you will definitely progress and achieve your goals.

Stop training if you have any unusual symptoms!

Focus on your breathing and listen to your body more when you practice.


Beginners will often experience some symptoms such as chest pain, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, or dizziness, so stop practicing immediately and consult your teacher to adjust accordingly. Focus on your breathing and listen to your body more when you practice.

You have to practice regularly!

For beginners, many people are usually very enthusiastic, but after a few practice sessions due to busyness and stress, going to a Yoga class is postponed indefinitely. After a while, when you come back, your body will be stiff and difficult to practice as before. So if you're determined, you should follow through on your path.

Be patient, listen and feel your body!

What you need to do when coming to Yoga is to focus on breathing, practice patiently, listen and feel what your body wants, do not force your body to perform a certain pose for a long time. Do each movement slowly and after you finish you should always go into a relaxing and recuperating position. This relaxation time will help you combine and reap the benefits of yoga practice.

Scientific and suitable diet:

A scientific and suitable diet is good for your practice.


Before practicing Yoga, you should empty your bowels and bladder, never practice immediately after eating. Wait at least 2 hours after eating to practice. After exercising, you should not eat immediately, wait at least 30 minutes and then start eating. Regarding the eating portion, you should choose healthy foods, eat in moderation to control the amount of food you eat.

Read books related to Yoga:

Reading Yoga books can also help you learn more about movements from basic to advanced.


Besides practicing in training centers, reading books can also help you learn more and more details about movements from basic to advanced. Thereby improving the training performance greatly. The above notes are extremely necessary for those who learn or are initially familiar with Yoga. Try to remember, they will help you a lot during the practice process.


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